The Dead Sea

I know you ever hear about the dead sea. The Dead Sea is a lake that ran in the region between Israel, the Palestinian Authority and Jordan area. Dead Sea (Hebrew name: Bahr Lut, the Sea of Lot, or: Melah Ha Yam, Sea Salt) is located 392 m below the surface of the Mediterranean Sea. Do you know why did it called the dead sea? what is the true, the dead sea or the dead lake?.

The dead sea is not truely sea, but lake, because it is located in mainland. This name used only because the dead sea are reach 76 km lenght and 16 km width. It can be imagined how wide the sea, but it had got constriction caused by much of yawn and lack of water supply from Jordan river. Then, we just say it the lake not sea. Dead Sea water level is estimated to have undergone shrinkage
of 392 meters below sea level to 416 meters and is on the decline to a level that is very alarming.The deepest place in the sea reaches 400 m, Thus, the deepest part of this sea to 800 m below the surface of the Mediterranean Sea.

Why did the dead sea called with the name the dead sea? and why did salinity of dead sea is very high? Because the dead sea is the lowest mainland in earth, therefore, the water in dead sea can not flow like other water although one of water characteristic is flow from high to low. The dead sea's salinity is 30% higher than other sea which about 3,5%. It is mean, water of the dead sea is nine times more salty than other sea. Whereas, our body salinity is 1-2% which it mean our body is always float when we swim at dead sea. But you must know that Assal lake in Djibouti is higher than the dead sea for salinity, it is about 40%. It mean, the dead sea is not the highest salinity in earth. So, 7million tonnes water of dead sea is always yawn everyday . As it's name the dead sea, there aren't existence but little organism such as Red Halophilic bacteria, and Dunaliella Algae. Israel, Palestine and Jordan agreed to save the Dead Sea because of the impact if there is damage to marine ecosystems die this will be very bad for the region, measures to be undertaken include supplying water from the red sea to sea to die by making a canal to connect the two seas canal, which distance is about 200 km.

Behind it all marine mud has its own benefits for women in particular as a skin (Sea Mud Body Scrub). In addition to the salt content is extremely high, the Dead Sea water also contains potassium, magnesium, and bromium, maybe that's why dead sea mud This is considered highly nutritious.

Floating at The Dead Sea

Salt of The Dead Sea

salt of The Dead Sea

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