Maleo ; Only in Indonesia

Maleo ( macrocephalon maleo) is the one and only  in the world. Maleo is monogamy species. Maleo is only in Sulawesi, Indonesia, at Bogani Nani wartabone National Park, or known as Dumoga Bone. It is located in North Sulawesi, Indonesia, n the transitional zone between the Indo-Malayan geographical zone in the western part and the Papua-Australian geographical zone in the eastern part (the Wallaceae Area). 

It's area is near with volcano mountain, earth heat. Because of heat source in this area, its suitable for maleo to life. Not all places are visited by maleo. Maleo spawn in forest area. In the same area, maleo has put some nesting hole with suit temperature for eggs hatch.The eggs are five times bigger than chicken eggs.

Maleo can stand on volcano forest beach and opened sand area. Maleo bird is one of 22 bird type in the family megapodiidae . Their name literally means large foot (Greek: mega = large, poda = foot), and is a reference to the heavy legs and feet typical of these terrestrial birds. All are browsers, all but the Malleefowl occupy wooded habitats, and most are brown or black coloured. Maleo is claimed from Sulawesi. There are experiment which recommend that maleo is from Australia, but maleo is only found in some area in Sulawesi, Indonesia.

Texture and gestures of maleo is looked like kasuari bird. Maleo has medium size, it is 55 cm lengthen. Female maleo is smaller than male. The main feature of maleo is crested crown in it's head. It is a crown which has a size little smaller than pingpong ball, but this crown is become unique sign for maleo. Researchers guess that this crown is used as temperature detector in habitat and spawn area. Maleo is always dig a hole, therefore, it's foot is equipped by membrane to make it easy in scrape a land.

Maleo has cruising range about tens kilometers. Most of it's life are spent in land. The wings is functionate when maleo at trees ie for moving, resting, and protecting from predator. Maleo is passive bird in foraging (searching food). Most of them ate fruits and grains which fall in the ground. Maleo's head is looked smaller which functionate for them to hide underground easily.

Maleo, is loyalty bird with their partner. Nevertheless, they are still need to saved from extinction. Nature and all of it's unique are riches or property for future regeneration.

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