Sand Bath ; The Real Medication Therapy

Siwa is a valley located in northwestern Cairo city, Egypt, it is about 600 km. The population of Siwa has different language with egyptian generally. 

Some heritage were exist there prove that they had high civilization since 3.000 bC. Some heritage site that still exist are Mountain of the Dead, where it is place for mummies of ancient Siwa.There are also a framework of Worship Amon at dinasty pharaohs. Then, Cleopatra pool, Alexander the Great heritages,fort ancient Siwa, etc.
Siwa society had inherit traditional medication therapy which they must keep it until now. They could life naturally, without a doctor, healthy center, or pharmacy. Here it is medication therapeutic of Siwa, sand bath. The sand at temperature 45 degrees celcius, and even more. It can't be imagined what a very hot the sand. Even depending on siwa story, they can roast the bread with that sand. Amazing sand.

This effectively therapy invite tourism interest, not only local society but also non local society.

Siwa society are believe that the root of diseases is unhealthy water element in the human bodies. Therefore, the water must be through out, ie with the sand bath therapy on "Hamam Raml".

This sand bath theraphy can through out the water about 3 liters even 4 liters from the human body as sweat. They are believe that the disease are move out through that lather. The diseases is such as rheumatism, gout, structure, cholesterol, and others.

Firstly, they dig the sand until 50 cm, Length wide enough to bury a human body. Then, a pasien pick up his clothes to be changed with a towel to close his aurat or genitalia, then he lie down to face the sky, then he burried with the sand which has temperature 45 degrees celcius. After his aurat is really tightly closed by sand, the towel is pulled slowly. Then continue the burried until the neck. To patien's head abuse from the sun, his head is shaded by blanket which refuted by wood. nevertheless, his face is looked red and so sweaty.

The patien have burried about 10-15 minutes, after that his aurat is closed back and he could be moved out to shade in tent which prepared there to take a rest.

The clumps of wet sand that marks the burial site indicate the number of levels of water coming out of the pores of the skin. Conceivably, if the water is removed from the patient's body around 3 liters to 4 liters in a span of 15 minutes, meaning he has a diet of up to 3 kg in a relatively very short time! Want to try the practice?
Just visit Siwa in Egypt . Happy healthy journey.

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