Bangka Belitung (Ultimate in Diversity Edition)

Remodong Beach
Bangka Belitung Island is a province with archipelago nomenclature. Consist of 2 big islands, Bangka Island and Belitung Island with excellence of comparability and supported by regional ecosystem of archipelago, costal area and the island with the other , Bangka Belitung present marine tourism (diving, scuba, snorkeling, fishing and sailing). There are approximately 55 Chinese or Buddhist temples on Bangka alone which are still in use. The Chinese make up at least 20% of the population of Babel(Bangka Belitung). The majority of the Chinese are direct descendants of the coolies who worked the tin mines. The oldest temple is in Batu Rusa, a village along the road from Pangkal Pinang to Sungai Liat. A beautifullly decorated temple is found near Tayu in the north of Bangka Island.

Place of Interst

Tanjung Pandan is the capital city of Bangka Belitung. The topography consists of lowland and some small areas of swamp while in the middle part there is highland in groups of 150-200 meters above the sea level. It is the second biggest tin producer in Indonesia.

Manggar is about 90 km from Tanjung pandan. The main economy activity in Manggar was tin mining, There are many nice places that can be visited like: Serdang beach, Burung Mandi beach, Malang Lepau beach, Pengepangan beach, Tirta Surya natural swimming pool, Payak Lake, Kwan in Chinese temple.

Matras and Parai Tenggiri Beaches in the northeast of Bangka, 48 km from Pangkal Pinang and 12 km from Sungai Liat. The beach is about 3 km long and its width is almost 30 meters, Parai, a beach set between rocky capes is an ideal location for relaxing and swimming. Local fishermen moor their vessels here after a day of fishing, giving the beach the picturesque feel of a fishing village.

Mount Menumbung (355 m) a rather high hill in the neighbourhood of Mentok (North West Bangka) stands as a memorial to the history of the Indonesian nation. A guest house which was built here by the Dutch in 1932 was used to house the former President Soekarno and Vice-President Hatta during their imprisonment from February to July 1949.

Remodong Beach in North Bangka is a favourite place to enjoy the sunset as the beach faces the west. Tourist facilities are also available on this beach.


Rusni said...

Well, the capital city of Bangka Belitung Province is actually Pangkalpinang. Tanjung Pandan is the capital of Belitung Regency, while Manggar is the capital city of east Belitung.

Mujib said...

thanks for info