Wieliczka Salt Mine

 Wieliczka Salt Mine is an amazing underground vacation which most attract tourist, it located in the town of Wieliczka in southern Poland, lies within the Kraków metropolitan area, and has beeen worked for 900 years. Wieliczka Salt Mine continuously produced table salt from the 13th century until 2007 as one of the world's oldest operating salt mines. Wieliczka Salt Mine also believed to be the world's 14th-oldest company still in operation.

Wieliczka Salt Mine is a unique development in the history of mining, because the rock salt deposits were mined without interruption from the 13th to the end of the 20th centuries. Exploring the subterranean world of labyrinthine passages, giant caverns, underground lakes and chapels with sculptures in the crystalline salt and rich ornamentation carved in the salt rock are the most provitable tourist attraction in the Wieliczka Salt Mine .

 Wieliczka Salt Mine considered a Miracle of Poland and since 1978 listed by Unesco. Wieliczka Salt Mine is the most splendid enterprise of salt industry on Polish land. When entering mine you have to walk down 400 steps in total. Take deep breath when walking because such tour is used as medical treatment helping in correction the breathing patterns and cleaning bronchical tree. The last stop in the mine is the souvenir shop and snack bar. From here, a lift carries you back to the surface. The Wieliczka salt mine reaches a depth of 327 meters and is over 300 km long. It features a 3.5-km touring route for visitors (less than 1% of the length of the mine's passages). Touring at Wieliczka Salt Mine is same as you walking along 2,5km long route, while descending as deep as 125 m.

Wieliczka Salt Mine is accessible all year round. Except it's closed on January 1, Easter Sunday, November 1, and Christmastide (i.e. December 24-25). April through October visitors may see the Wieliczka Salt Mine between 7:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m., and November through March from 8 a.m. till 5 p.m. All visitors need to join a guided tour. Salt Mine in Wieliczka is situated some ten kilometers from the center of Krakow. One may get there easily by car or taxi, or take a commuter train from the city's central Krakow Glowny rail station, a bus, or one of numerous minibuses that cruise Krakow's streets.

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