Big Bend National park

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Big Bend National Park is a suit area for those who have an adventurous spirit. Big Bend national park as one of interesting national park located in the U.S. state of Texas. Big Bend national park also has significance as the largest protected area of Chihuahuan Desert topography and ecology in the United States, which includes more than 1,200 species of plants, more than 450 species of birds, 56 species of reptiles, and 75 species of mammals. Here, complete your adventure with a wonderful view of plants species and animals.

Sometimes, Big Bend national park considered as the"three parks in one," because of the Big Bend includes mountain, desert, and river environments. Big Bend harsh environment has an amazing variety and number of plant and animal species. It has more than 1200 species of plants, more than 600 species of vertebrates, and about 3600 insect species.
The plants are such as variety of cactus species, yucca flowers that blossoms in the spring, Bluebonnets, Desert Marigol flower, Desert Willow, and more.

While the animals that inhabitant in the Big bend national park are include Black-tailed Jackrabbit, kangaroo rats ,Greater Roadrunner , Golden Eagle , Collared Peccary , and Coyote . There are also Mexican Black Bears present in the mountain areas.

The diversity of life is be affected by the diverse ecology and changes in elevation, ranging from the dry, hot desert to the cool mountains to the fertile river valley.

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Most primary attraction in Big Bend national park is its hiking and backpacking trails. The most popular for this is the Chimneys Trail, which visits a rock formation in the desert, which visits a rock formation in the desert, the Marufo Vega trail, a loop trail that passes through scenic canyons on the way to and from the Rio Grande, and the Outer Mountain Loop trail in the Chisos, which begins in the Chisos Basin, climbs into the high mountains, descends into the desert along the Dodson Trail, and then returns to the Chisos Basin, completing a thirty mile loop.

But unfortunately, the Superintendent has lifted a temporary closure of all High Chisos backcountry campsites, including Blue Creek and Lower Juniper zones, and its unknown when it is begin opened again. Full use, dayhiking and backpacking, is now available in the Chisos high country.

The other notable locations include Santa Elena Canyon, Grapevine Hills, and the Mule Ears, two imposing rock towers in the middle of the desert. There are professional backpacking guide services that provide trips in the park.

Another popular attraction is birdview with more than 450 species of birds recorded in the park. Many species stop in the park during their migrations.

Smoking is prohibited
In the park, there are some regulation or rules that must be obeyed by visitors like a smoking. Smoking only permitted at designated smoking areas (buildings with ash tray)in Panther Junction and in the Chisos Mountains/Basin until further notice.

Then, Charcoal fires are permitted in the Rio Grande Village and Cottonwood campgrounds, but must be contained in a grill, and ashes removed. Charcoal fires are not allowed anywhere else in the park until further notice.

About the Weather
The weather can change quickly and dramatically. You should be prepared for just about ANY type of weather at any time of the year.

The rainy season extends from mid-June to October with locally heavy thunderstorms and some flash flooding. But dont worry, the water recedes rapidly and the rainy season can be a delightful time to visit the desert.

Fall and spring are usually warm and pleasant. While the summers are surely hot, May and June are the hottest months. Winters are generally mild, although periods of cold weather (including light snow) are possible. Winter visitors must prepare for a variety of conditions.

August is supposed to be one of the best months for visiting Big Bend national park, because of the awesome Summer Discounts, or the fact that families are desperately trying to cram more vacation into their break from school. Frequent rain brings life to the natural surroundings of the park, and usually cools everything off—making for great conditions for a visit.

Dress for the Weather
A wide-brimmed hat, comfortable clothing, and sturdy walking shoes or boots are necessary for anyone planning to hike. Sunscreen is a must. Hikers must always carry plenty of water while going hike to the dessert. One gallon per person per day is recommended. Thats no false to bring some snack, if you dont want to die in the dessert.

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Some of important thing you should know:
1. find information with park staff about the trail before hiking.
2. Tell someone where you are going, hikking or camping.
3. Make sure your vehicle is in good condition and has a spare tire, a working jack, and other emergency equipment. Take extra water, food, and sleeping bags just in case. If you’re on foot, make sure all of your hiking and camping gear is in good shape.
4. Know how to signal for help. Cell phones may not work here, so don’t count on being able to call out. Whistles, air horns, mirrors, and flares are all good attention-getters. While wood fires are not normally permitted in the park, they can be an effective signaling method of last resort, since the smoke can be seen for miles and will certainly get the attention of park rangers
5. If your vehicle breaks down or gets stuck, stay with it! It is much easier for rangers to find a car on a road than a person walking through the desert.


Homestay in India said...

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Mujib said...

thank you