Victoria Waterfall

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Victoria Waterfall is one of the most amazing waterfall in the world, even that Victoria Waterfall was claimed as the largest waterfall in the world. It is be regarded that Victoria Waterfall is the largest flow rate, and considered to be the biggest curtain of falling water in the world, surpassing the magnificent Niagara Falls and Iguacu Falls. Victoria Waterfall also known as Mosi-oa-Tunya (the Smoke that Thunders) where located in southern Africa on the Zambezi River (exactly half way along the mighty Zambezi River's 2700 km journey from its source to the sea) between the countries of Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Victoria waterfall were produced by the Zambezi River eroded softer soil and bedrock separating a series of lateral volcanic dikes, which in turn created the narrow, zigzagging gorge below the falls. The river currently plunges over one of these dikes into the chasm hollowed out of softer bedrock. Here to see the fact of the "Zambezi river".

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Nowadays, Victoria waterfall lower mean annual flow rate because of the reduced flow it has during the long dry season of Southern Africa. Victoria waterfall are 1700m wide and while the height is varies from 80-108 meters. the falls of Victoria waterfall are consist of five different “falls”. Four of these are in Zimbabwe and one is in Zambia. They (falls type of Victoria waterfall)are known as The Devil’s Cataract, Main Falls, Rainbow Falls and Horseshoe Falls in Zimbabwe and the Eastern Cataract in Zambia, and in addition, there is Armchair Falls (a narrow plunge that drops first into a notch in the rock, then falls into the gorge,)

The power of the falls is awesome with the highest ever flow when it reached more than 700 000 cubic meters of water a minute. The spray can reach 1km high and can be seen over 30km away.The falls became a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1989.

In the waterfall, there are small islands stand on the lip of the Falls, including Livingstone Island, where David Livingstone first viewed the falls. The Rainforest is sustained by the spray from Victoria Falls, with plant species that are rarely found elsewhere in Zimbabwe or Zambia, increase how the awesome view.

You may come to the Victoria waterfall as you want to see some kind of type of the falls:
May be you want to visit the waterfall on High Water Condition, just coming in Feb to April. In full flood years the falls cannot be seen on foot on the Zimbabwe side with clouds of spray rising high into the sky and drenching all tourists.The Zambian side of the falls with less water is better at this stage and there are walkways to look out points and across the swaying Knife Edge bridge.

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If you want to visit it in Mid Water Condition, come in April and May. The falls are at their most spectacular on foot but often the spray is so thick it is difficult to see the full width of the falls. The weather is magic, From May onwards as the annual flood abates, the view of Victoria falls gets better and better and photographic opportunities from the Rain Forest path in Zimbabwe improve and most of the falls can be seen from this side.The sound is still thunderous.

You may visit in Around October, November and December and enjoy the Low Water of the waterfall. In this time, it is just an interesting to come when the water is low. Visitors are able to fully appreciate the geological formation of the falls and the full length and breadth of them. Visitors can do their best activities, such as:walk along the lip of Victoria Falls on the Zambian side and swim /picnic or even get married. At this time most the water falls at " Devils Cataract" on the Zimbabwe side.

1 comment:

Nick said...

I love it. Keep on writing this type of great stuff.